Tools of Creative Abundance: The Artist's Way

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I'm reading this incredible book called The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. Have you heard of it? It has actually been around since 1992 and the practices in it have transformed the creative lives of many. Chances are, you've probably had one or two people recommend it to you.

If you haven't heard of this book yet, it's a 12-week journey for creative recovery. The idea is to read one chapter each week and go through the corresponding exercises. In my opinion, the transformation lies in the two exercises you're supposed to do consistently throughout the “course”: Morning Pages and The Artist Date.

First, Morning Pages, which includes writing three longhand/ stream of consciousness pages in a notebook every day. I write mine first thing when I wake up, which helps me clear out all the noise in my head before sitting down to work.

What gets written down is nothing profound. It usually includes what I'm feeling at the moment, what I should make for dinner and other bits of planning. What I've found in just a couple of months of doing this is that these writings are the key to unblocking myself creatively. By getting everything out onto the pages it makes room for something great.

The second exercise, The Artist Date, asks you to spend time alone with yourself each week, for at least two hours. This is admittedly more difficult for me. This time is meant to explore and play. To nurture your inner child. It can be through creating or simply going somewhere that inspires you: a museum, a (virtual) class, or even a walk through the forest.

I've been writing my morning pages pretty consistently but hesitated to take the time for an Artist Date. This past week, an opportunity arose for me to have some time alone, so I took it. For my artist date, I decided to photograph some flowers I bought at Trader Joe's. It may not seem like the most exciting time for most but for me, just getting the space to create with zero expectation was liberating.


I thought about starting a photo challenge from this concept, but today the little voice inside me said "Just let it be." Give yourself the gift of creating for the experience of creating. I'm resolving to do more of just that.

From now on I want to pay attention to what delights me. I want to create simply for the joy of it. I want to experiment and continue to follow The Artist’s Way.

I still have to work through my creative unblocking, but there is something within me that I thought I had lost – my inner child, a curiosity, and the freedom to play. I found it’s always there and now I'll cultivate it by writing my morning pages and providing space for it.

I want to encourage you to take time to cultivate your creativity. Make space for it and see what grows.

“Droughts end because we have kept writing our pages. They end because we have not collapsed to the floor of our despair and refused to move. We have doubted, yes, but we have stumbled on,”

-Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way


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