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Tap into creative cash flow with multiple income strategies tailor-made for your business.

The ultimate personal consulting experience for creatives seeking financial abundance and boundless creative freedom –so you can diversify your income and effortlessly attract your new favorite clients.

Whether you’re a photographer, designer, illustrator, social media manager, or any other creative entrepreneur, there’s a Creative Cash Flow for you.

Picture this with me:


It’s nine in the morning and you slept in (because you deserve a little extra snooze). Before the thought of work even crosses your mind–the emails that need responding to, the sessions that need exporting, the Instagram feed that needs a little love–you dive into your daily rituals. Your first thought in the AM isn’t work, but instead, it’s the perfect pour-over. When you finally have a seat at your desk, you’re vibing high and ready to take on the day.

And look at that! You’ve already made $300 from someone licensing your photographs on Stocksy.

Oh, and you brought in another $599 with affiliate links on your website this month.

And before you could jump into your inbox for the first time that morning, your client management system has already responded to the new client inquiries, and the calls are booked.

That’s the beauty of “set it and forget it.”

It’s the freedom to craft your days the way you’ve always wanted to, without the pressure to chase new clients.

It’s the peace of mind knowing that all your eggs aren’t in one basket.


Here’s what you get:

One-on-one coaching & consulting

Ready for a coaching experience that's as unique as you are? Let's be real: no two businesses or entrepreneurs are cut from the same cloth. I adore working with seasoned entrepreneurs, focusing on two pivotal aspirations: enhancing revenue streams and cultivating greater freedom through your business endeavors.

How we get there? Well, that magic starts brewing from our first deep-dive chat.

No matter which package feels right, you're in for bi-monthly strategy hangouts. After each one, I'll create a fresh plan, packed with goodies and next steps. Trust me, these sessions are where the "a-ha!" moments happen. And hey, in between our chats, I'm always around to keep the creative juices flowing...

On-Call Support

Wondering something between our regular catch-ups? No worries. With the Voxer app, you've got a direct line to me. We're in this wild, creative ride together, and I've got your back every step of the way.

Discovery Process

Many folks find the Discovery Process and our deep dive chat to be the real game-changer. This is where we unearth your deepest desires, channel where you want your energy to flow, and discover what truly gets your creative gears spinning. From this, I'll whip up a curated list of ideas ready for our collaboration. Expect a personalized map of passive income avenues and a crafted plan to carve out the space for it. Let's weigh the pros and cons, and pinpoint what feels oh-so-right for you.

Exclusive Courses & Resources

Here's a little extra for ya: Score VIP access to any course or resource I drop while we're working together. And to sprinkle a little more magic? A "golden ticket" that'll unlock a future course or resource I launch.

A Personal Touch

Hey, when I say I'm hands-on, I mean it. Picture me as that best friend who's always dropping ideas, like "Hey, this would make a killer social post!" Shared notes or docs? You bet I'm sprinkling in thoughts and inspirations all week long.

Stuck in the Dubsado Client workflow maze? We'll find the way out together on our coaching call. Need a boost with Canva for your next showstopper digital product? Just say the word. We're in this creative adventure together.

“My business got a glow up from the inside out. We redesigned it in the best way. I wish I had done this in the business years ago because I would have been light years ahead. “

Now I have a solid foundation that I didn’t have before…and it gave me time to create passive income 

I reached out to Aubrey because I was feeling burnt out and uninspired. I was in a really bad headspace about the trajectory of my business and where it was going. 

The process of working with Aubrey felt really safe. I didn’t want to join somebody else’s system, I usually fall off of those things really early on because I can’t conform to somebody else’s system. Aubrey takes a really holistic, personal, and custom approach to me, my goals, and my business. The whole process felt really rejuvenating getting to talk about my business. I felt really safe and like I was in really good hands.

-Sam Aker, CCF Client

Aubrey is incredibly knowledgeable about what she teaches, but honestly what struck me most about working with her was her calm and supportive personality. I ended up completing coaching during one of the most hectic times in my business, and Aubrey was wonderful at both giving me insights into new ways I could grow and make passive income, and at making me feel more centered and able to focus on myself and the tasks that would be able to move me forward.

If not for coaching with Aubrey, I wouldn't have found that I really love mentoring and teaching other business owners. I also wouldn't have had the confidence to pivot away from weddings being my primary source of income and to branch into something that was more sustainable to me.

This gave me the clarity and confidence to really start running my business like a CEO. Aubrey gave me the push I needed to start thinking about my business as more than just wedding photography and videography.

— Hannah Gunnell, Ramblefree Photo Co.

  Love from past clients

“I can't even begin to put into words the impact this has had on my business.”

I had NO f-n idea how badly my business - and I - needed your help! The ideas you've brought to the table, the places you had me focus on, the restructuring we've done so far... omg, I can't even begin to put into words the impact I know it's going to have on my business. I feel like you really did future me a solid in helping her get her business shit straight - it's like we're building a new foundation for which everything else can stand on, and for that, I am forever appreciative. - Samantha Aker, Gemini Graphics


“ I always felt as though I was just scraping by, putting out fires. But this has forced me to sit down, prioritize my business (like work ON my business instead of IN it -aka clients always coming first.) Making my needs a priority too. I feel proud of what I've accomplished and learned; things I've implemented so far.”


Who is this for?

Calling all established creatives! Whether you're capturing wedding moments with your camera, crafting standout personal brands, churning out killer content, or guiding a yoga session — this is your jam. Why? Well, Aubrey’s been in the entrepreneurial game for over a decade. From graphic designing to running a buzzing Etsy stationery shop (hello, Vogue feature!), and then morphing into one of Southern California’s top wedding photographers. The point? She gets the creative hustle, inside and out. Let her help you nail the strategies that vibe with your ambitions and style.

Why the focus on multiple income streams?

Direct client work is a fabulous way to grow and scale, but here's the tea: it doesn't always pave the way for long-term stability. A thriving, enduring business is all about that income mix, giving you the freedom to craft a fabulously unique lifestyle. And guess what? That creative zest then circles back, fueling your biz even more.

How easy is it to make passive income?

Let's bust a myth: passive income is no walk in the park (unless you're already swimming in cash). It's one of today's hefty business challenges. Building passive income requires grit, passion, and a whole lot of early grind, which is why some folks stumble setting it up. The ways to craft it are plenty, and it’s a game-changer to have a guide to spotlight the route that feels just right for you. Having a coach? That's the cherry on top. They keep you focused, fired-up, and forging ahead. Dive into this program, and you might just see returns for decades to come.

How is this coaching program different from what I would get from other business coaches?

Aubrey isn't just another name in the coaching biz. She's crafted a signature blueprint for weaving multiple income streams into your venture. And guess what? You'll be strolling through every step, making sure you're acing each milestone. Our mantra here? Less talk, more action. Say you hit upon something that needs tackling during a call; Aubrey won't just toss it over with a "Good luck!" She's got your back with a hands-on guide or video to breeze you through. And if it isn't on her shelf? She'll whip up something tailor-made for your unique gig. This high-five level of support? That's what folks absolutely adore about her. Dive into this adventure, and you're not just getting power-packed 1-hour chats with Aubrey. You've got a hotline to her via Voxer for those burning questions on-the-go.

Here’s what it looks like to be a professional creative with multiple streams of income under your belt:

-That wedding you were going to shoot in August? It got canceled because of a global pandemic. But it’s no biggie–you know you’ll make that money back (and then some). No scrambling required.

-You sent an invoice to a client who couldn’t wait to book you–aaand they ghosted. Maybe your ego’s a little hurt, but your wallet isn’t.

-It wasn’t part of the plan (not this year at least), but your family is growing! Your bundle of joy is arriving smack dab in the middle of wedding season–whoops. Life happens, right? You can take this season off, no problem.

-That inquiry that just landed in your inbox? It’s covered in red flags. You can say “Thanks, but no thanks,” without a second thought. And thank goodness.

–There’s no shortage of opportunities coming your way, but your body and mind need to recharge. Time to schedule a sabbatical and make money during your daily afternoon nap.

Sounds dreamy, right? If you’re looking to dive into a profitable new branch of your business your future self will thank you for, you’re in the right place.

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In your tailor-made curriculum, we’ll develop multiple streams of income for your business and transform your money mindset from the bottom up.

Using my signature methodology, We will :

Identify the habits that are holding you back from long-term, sustainable wealth

Implement multiple income streams for your business, including “set it and forget it” style passive income

Focus your energy and brilliance: Learn how to set up systems, outsource your workflow, and batch your content.

Develop a strategy to market your offers to attract dreamboat clients

Create a game plan for financial security

The total value of your time, money, energy, and future opportunities?

It’s too much to count.

You’ll get hours of personalized advice, attention, and insights just for your business

Together, we’ll walk through how to make passive income work for you in ways that’ll feed new life into your business for years to come.

When things get overwhelming, hectic, or confusing, you’ve got someone on your side who’s been through it all before.

I got you, babe!

What’s that worth to you?

Want clarity on what to do next–but not ready for three months of coaching? 

Book one month of coaching for just $499

Propel your business forward and diversify your income

One month of private coaching with Aubrey will provide you with hands-on, expert help to increase your business cash flow and begin making passive income.





Here’s what I believe: You are boundless when you tap into your creative abundance. Add a dash of strategy and you’re a force to be reckoned with.

I never understood the starving artist trope–as artists, we have unlimited creativity within. And when you create from a place of abundance, money is abundant too. By tapping into my unique voice as an artist, I’ve built multiple six-figure businesses. Now, I want the same for you.

And just who am I?

I’m Aubrey Westlund, a photographer, consultant, business mentor, and passive income expert for creatives–your personal guide to navigating the wild world of “pajama profits”. 

If you’re wondering why I’m the one to teach you, I promise I know my stuff. In the past decade, here’s what I’ve got under my belt: As a wedding stationer and photographer, I’ve built two successful businesses in addition to multiple passive income streams including stock photography. And I’ve never been more grateful. 

As a creative person with more passions than I can shake a stick at, I thrive when I have control over my time. That, combined with my self-proclaimed status as an “ideas machine,” if there’s a way to make money as a creative, I’ve probably tried it.

When I realized that a high-stress office job wasn’t the way I wanted to live my life (go figure!), I realized two things:

1. The way out of corporate America was entrepreneurship.
2. Whatever path I chose, it had to be fun.

Cut to today, and I made the magic happen (and then some).

The bottom line? I’ve got your back. And I’ve made the mistakes for you.

Look–I get how overwhelming this can be.
I understand how “this is all a mystery.”

And look, because you’re already a successful content creator, you may be strapped for time and wondering, “I’m doing just fine on my own. Do I really need to figure this out right now?” 

The short answer? Yes!

Multiple streams of revenue will come to the rescue in the event of the unexpected (spoiler alert: it’ll happen).

They’ll save you from projects that aren’t in alignment with your true artistic voice–and clients from hell.

They’ll empower you to build a balanced business full of family time, healthy habits, and sleeping in. :)

It’s time to have your portfolio work harder for you with art you’ve already made.

It’s time to channel your creativity with clients who light you up. 

It’s time to find flexibility in your life and your business without the pressure of chasing new leads. 

It’s time to harvest abundance and find financial freedom with passive income.