Myths about Stock Photography

If you’re here because you’re a professional photographer looking for an answer to constantly booking new clients, I have something to share with you: You already have everything you need to make passive income.

Myths about Stock Photography

People think you need an online course or 10,000+ Instagram followers to make passive income.

I’m here to bust that myth. In the past 5 years, I’ve built a steady passive income stream from stock photography. Honestly, I’ve even been a little lazy. Most of the photos I sell I’ve already been paid to take:

…..That family session I shot 3 years ago? They were willing to sign model releases for me and I’m still earning about $100 in royalties from it every month!

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…….The wedding I shot two years ago? I just made another $150 from it

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………..and the anniversary trip we took to New Orleans? Not only did stock photography cover all our jambalaya, beer, and beignets, but Food & Wine bought one of my photos!

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You don’t need much more than an understanding of how stock photo agencies work, a hard drive of photos or videos, and a healthy dose of motivation to make money from stock photography (It’s more than enough to cover our kombucha habit along with a handful of dreams).

And now you have at least 1 of those things, so you’re a step closer. This is an incredible free resource I've spent months creating.

The Little Black Book of Stock Photo Agencies

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Another myth about selling stock photography:

You can’t make any money from it.


I’ve already hit 5-figures and this year is only halfway over #truestory

...and I’m just getting warmed up.

All this is possible for you too.

If I can be but one stepping stone on your path to reaching your goals, whether it’s paying off debt, saving for a down payment, or taking your family on a beautiful vacation next summer, count me in.

Now go grab The Little Black Book, and don’t wait another day!

Want to learn more about stock? Download PHOTO TO PROFIT, The Ultimate Stock Photo Starter guide!




The Rulebreaker Podcast: How to Make an Extra $30,000 a Year in Stock Photography