3 Tips for Making More Stock Photo Sales + Free Stock Photo Trend Report!


I get it, you’ve been learning about stock photography for months now, maybe you’ve even applied to an agency and uploaded your first 100 photos. You make your first sale and then you get that sinking feeling in your stomach…

“All this work for 99 cents? How could I possibly make money from this?” You think to yourself. You start to consider whether or not it’s even worth it. 

I totally get the feeling. This is a real sale I made last week:


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BUT the difference is, I never gave up.

I continued uploading photos to multiple sites, eventually making thousands of dollars each year. And this photo? Well, in the past two years it’s sold 62 times on Adobe Stock alone- for anywhere from 0.99 - 9.99 (it all depends on the type of license the customer needs). Anytime someone purchases a royalty-free license I make anywhere from $100-$300.

The truth? Any photographer can achieve these same results.

Want to learn how? Start by following my top 3 tips for making more stock photography sales:

Tip #1: Follow the Trends

One of the most powerful ways to make more stock photography sales year-round is by staying up to date with trends. This includes seasonal trends that stay consistent each year (like “Back to school”) as well as more “of the moment” trends that are usually underrepresented on agency sites. This is why I’ve created the stock photo trend report. It’s a free resource I put out each season based on research I’ve collected from over 10 agencies. Download this guide to learn what to shoot this season in order to make more sales year-round.  

Tip #2: Choose the right agency for you

Another tip for making consistent sales is to choose the right agency for you. Not every agency is going to be the best platform for your specific style of photography. Each agency attracts a specific type of customer. If you shoot a lot of experimental studio photography you may be a great fit for Stocksy, while a lifestyle family photographer may want to sell their work on Offset. Wondering how you can learn these things? Check back in a few weeks when I’ll be releasing my Little Black Book of Stock Photo Agencies!

Tip #3: Set a goal of 1,000 Images

I see far too many photographers get discouraged and give up on stock photography after making only one or two modest sales. My advice to them? Set a goal to build up your portfolio to 1,000 images. 1,000 seems to be the magic number when photographers begin to make consistent income from sales. As an added benefit, once you hit that benchmark and start making more stock photography sales, it’s highly motivating. You may find yourself uploading work even more often! Need a little extra support in the meantime? Join my private Facebook group where I do live events, like Q&As, trainings, and host challenges throughout the year!

There you have it! Those are my top 3 tips for making more stock photography sales. I’ve tested them all myself, so I can say with confidence that they work! I’d love to know where you’re at in your journey and if you’ve implemented any of these strategies yourself.

Don’t forget to download your quarterly trend report. The most recent version is out today!

Wanting more tangible advice and guidance for selling stock photography? Download PHOTO TO PROFIT, The Ultimate Stock Photo Starter guide!


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